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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

ZMP Hosted First Training For Market Inspectors In Montenegro

July 8, 2024

Last month, at the premises of the Administration for Inspection Affairs, ZMP organized a one-day training session for market inspectors in Podgorica, Montenegro.

Led by our esteemed colleague Rajka Vukcevic, the session saw the participation of approximately 16 market inspectors from various cities across Montenegro. This marked the first training of its kind for market inspectors in Montenegro.

The event featured presentation-style training focused on identifying counterfeit products. It was specifically designed for inspectors responsible for seizing counterfeit goods in the marketplace.

The primary goal of the training was to enhance the enforcement of intellectual property rights and to provide market inspectors with valuable information on identifying counterfeit products. Attendees gained practical tips and techniques to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit goods.

We look forward to organizing more such initiatives in the future to continue supporting the professional development of market inspectors in Montenegro.

Završena obuka inspektora na temu prava intelektualne svojine i prepoznavanje krivotvorene (

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