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Zivko Mijatovic & Partners



Mina Jovanović 3rd prize winner 2020 ECTA

On behalf of Živko Mijatović and Partners, we are delighted to announce that our very own Mina Jovanović, has been elected as a 3rd prize winner of the 2020 ECTA Awards’ Student Category, for her […]
July 3, 2020

Vladimir Marenovic included in WIPR Leaders 2020

ZMP is pleased to anounce that Vladimir Marenovic, from our Serbian office, has been named in the new edition of WIPR Leaders 2020. The international directory has recognized Vladimir Marenovic as one of the leader […]
May 13, 2020

ZMP ranked in IP Stars 2020/21 Practitioner Rankings

We are proud to announce that our colleagues from ZMP, Marija Markicevic Pijevic (Serbia), Ivana Knezevic (Croatia) and Vladimir Marenović (Serbia) have been named IP Stars 2020/21! Congratulations to all our colleagues.
May 7, 2020